E 77 10 hauls excursion S-Bahn on behalf the VVO Entdeckertag 2019
The electric engine E 77 10 hauled an excursion S-Bahn train in the framework of the VVO Entdeckertag ("exploration day of the linked transport system Oberelbe") on April 26th, 2019. Bad Schandau was the first target from the starting point at Hauptbahnhof. The most scenic valley of the Elbe river was passed along, featuring views of e.g. Bastei or the Königstein castle. After changing the engine to the train's reverse end, the extravagant train set proceeded to the centre of Dresden to cross the Elbe river on Marienbrücke and continued to bull up the steep inclination to Klotzsche. This station, was, however, not the terminus. For the first time in its lifetime, the more than 90-yearold E 77 10 passed the flyover in the direction of Dresden Airport. The airport station itself could not be entered for technical reasons, but the reversing point was the station infront of that (S-Bahn stop Grenzstraße). Final leg was the way back to Hauptbahnhof, at which point the excursion finalised by lunchtime.
Countless images have been taken by numerous photographers and moviemakers along the line. Some impressions from Kurort Rathen and Königstein (Sächsische Schweiz):
IG Bw Dresden-Altstadt e.V. thanks all contracting authories, sponsors and active staff for this great excursion with "our Elli", as the electric engine E 77 10 has been fondly called for many years.
Report: Dr. Christof Schröfl, IG Bw Dresden-Altstadt e.V., May 2nd, 2019